Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator service enables RPC clients that use the RpcNs* APIs to locate RPC servers. RpcNs* APIs are not used internally in the Windows operating system, so you only need to start this service if non-Microsoft applications require this service.

In Windows Vista and Windows 7, this service does not provide any functionality, and it is present only for application compatibility. In Windows 2003 and earlier versions of Windows, the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator service managed the RPC name service database.

If the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator service stops or if you disable it, RPC clients that must locate RPC services on other computers cannot locate servers, or they may fail to start.

RPC clients that rely on RpcNs* APIs from the same computer may not find RPC servers that support a given interface. If the service stops or if you disable it on a domain controller, RPC clients that use the RpcNs* APIs and the domain controller may experience interruption of service when they try to locate clients.

This service is installed by default, and the startup type is Manual.

This service is not dependent on any other system service, nor is any service dependent on it.

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