Turn on catch-up full scan

This policy setting allows you to configure catch-up scans for scheduled full scans. A catch-up scan is a scan that is initiated because a regularly scheduled scan was missed. Usually these scheduled scans are missed because the computer was turned off at the scheduled time. If you enable this setting catch-up scans for scheduled full scans will be turned on. If a computer is offline for two consecutive scheduled scans a catch-up scan is started the next time someone logs on to the computer. If there is no scheduled scan configured there will be no catch-up scan run. If you disable or do not configure this setting catch-up scans for scheduled full scans will be turned off.

Policy path: 

Windows Components\Windows Defender\Scan



Supported on: 

At least Windows Server 2012 Windows 8 or Windows RT

Registry settings: 

HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Scan!DisableCatchupFullScan



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