Prohibit Drag-and-Drop

Prevents users from adding or removing tasks by moving or copying programs in the Scheduled Tasks folder.This setting disables the Cut Copy Paste and Paste Shortcut items on the context menu and the Edit menu in Scheduled Tasks. It also disables the drag-and-drop features of the Scheduled Tasks folder.As a result users cannot add new scheduled tasks by dragging moving or copying a document or program into the Scheduled tasks folder.This setting does not prevent users from using other methods to create new tasks and it does not prevent users from deleting tasks.Note: This setting appears in the Computer Configuration and User Configuration folders. If both settings are configured the setting in Computer Configuration takes precedence over the setting in User Configuration.

Policy path: 

Windows Components\Task Scheduler



Supported on: 

Windows Server 2003 Windows XP and Windows 2000 only

Registry settings: 

HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Task Scheduler5.0!DragAndDrop



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